
Offering Spiritual-Counseling, Meditation Instruction, Massage Therapy, 
and Creativity Through Art

'Let food be thy medicine', Hippocrates

NUTRITION - A VEGETABLE BASED DIET TO ILLNESS-FREE LIVING, ADRESSING THE CONCEPTS OF CANCER AND ILLNESS IN GENERAL - "When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need" Ancient proverb

The body shows signs of physical illness as a reaction to toxins entering the system, or emotional illness as a reaction to psychic-unexpected events. The body itself has a natural biological ability to cure itself, and with healthy nourishment and a healthy mind it maintains perfect health. 

The body is a living organism that functions in three basic stages to stay alive. Breathing, eating and digesting are the main systems that regulate our health. It is obvious that the body depends on the quality of food we put into it. Food that contains chemicals or toxins that would affect the well being of the body systems will cause toxicity in the body. 

It is understandable that many chronic illnesses can be cured by returning our diet to an all organic vegetable based diet; the body-systems return to their natural estate of homeostasis in a short period of time. On an all vegetable diet, within four weeks the arteries, organs and body systems  detoxify and return to a healthy estate. Everyone should be performing this natural healthy cleansing.

A vegetable juice and organic vegetables diet is proven effective helping the cure of cancer, and the cure for all other chronic Illnesses. These include Diabetes, MS, Crohn's and Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Obesity, Heart illness, Cholesterol, high blood pressure, and more.

Read here more medical information on Vegan diet and benefits from Medical News.

(More information on the benefits of a Vegan diet in Readers Digest)

A vegetable diet will go farther, to reverse all illnesses in the body, as well as initiate weight loss, bring normal blood pressure, and medical results that led in most cases to discontinuation of all medications. In all cases all illnesses disappear in a short period of time. 

Our medical system is based on chemo therapy and rarely are medical doctors trained on nutrition. By law they are not allowed to practice natural healing. 

A Vegan-Vegetarian diet changed my belief systems about protein and the necessity to include meat and dairy to maintain good protein and calcium intake. It allows for as much as you can eat of vegetables, fruits, grains, and nuts. These four groups include a wealth of possibilities that provide all the protein the body requires. If you are on a vegetable diet, you can check your nutritional intake in places like, or to ensure you are taking the proper amounts of nutritional values needed.

These four groups provide all the protein needed for healthy living. We need to learn about the real nutritional value in vegetables, nuts and grains to let go of the fictitious belief that animal products are the only source of protein and calcium. 

More than 5% of animal protein in our diet have been found to be directly proportional to the rate of breast cancer, as well as prostate and other chronic illnesses, although doctors working with nutrition to prevent illness insist that any animal protein will eventually lead to diabetes or cancer in the body.

I found  in the website written by Jeff Novick, Ms, RD 'forks over Knives' an interesting article online with the misconceptions we have about proper nutrition and a vegetable diet


There are several food documentaries available in Netflix, or Youtube that provide the results of a vegetable based diet on individuals that had been facing sever health conditions. A popular documentary 'Forks over Knives' is available both free in Youtube, and in Netflix. A second documentary that needs to be watched is 'What the Health', available also free in Youtube, and also in Netflix.

Most of our food supply is infected with antibiotics that destroy healthy bacteria in our digestive system; and pesticides like Glyphosate (Roundup) is now found in the whole foods consumed daily by most children. The absence of bacteria in our body depletes the body of the ability to regain homeostasis under severe psychic repercussions. 

There was a recent report about Monsanto and the use of Glyphosate that provides important information

We can avoid most toxins by eating organic food and non-GMO products; and for a vegetarian diet this ensures proper amounts of nutrients and vitamins.

A Vegan diet reverses all anomalies related to stored fat accumulated from animal derived food. The body wants to be well, and in a short period of time, as short as two weeks, detoxification of damaging cholesterol takes place. The result is recuperation from conditions related to diabetes, dementia, and other illnesses derived from clogged arteries and vessels that had cut oxygenation to the brain and the body.

In several occasions adopting a Vegan diet rids the body of symptomatic conditions. A Vegan diet is a perfect choice to support healing in the body. 

Feeding the body a total vegetable diet brings the PH balance of the body to a more alkaline estate where tumors or or ulcerating conditions do not prevail; these conditions are acidic and promote expansion through the production of an acidic environment; an acidic body complements the growth.


I was diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome IBS, and later with Crohn's Disease. I was put in a drug regiment that limited my life for many years and still experienced symptoms an occasional rectal bleeding that impaired my social activities. I felt disabled for a long period of time; I was also afraid of possible surgeries and I lived in constant state of depression. 

I lived with this condition until my mid-fifties when I began a natural healing journey that eventually led to researching a Vegan Diet; it seemed to be the only diet that promised a reversal from immune conditions and a complete detoxification from cholesterol to return my body to healthy conditions. I decided to try this diet, I had blood work done to asses changes after a few months; I had been already on an organic regiment and ate little meat, but now I was entering a fully organic, plant-base diet.

I returned to get blood work three months later and found out my cholesterol had come down by seventy points to almost a normal range. I also had lost weight and since then has remained at around 170 lb., which is a healthy range for someone my height and age.

I did not return to doctors for several years. Two years ago I underwent testing again; I had a colonoscopy for the first time in over fifteen years and to my surprise there were no longer signs of illness, no Irritable Bowel Syndrome, polyps, or Crohn's; I can only attribute this recovery to my change in diet


I was in perfect health except a slight enlargement of the prostate but I refused a biopsy. I read a lot about inflammation prevention and created my own regiment of vitamins and supplements and started taking vitamin D, turmeric, flax seed, pumpkin seeds, and Boron.

I also did the two-week baking soda and cider vinegar treatment as a preventative for possible prostate cancer, and started tracking the alkalinity of my urine daily, but the most important change I have made came next.

Two weeks ago, after watching 'What the Health' I was reminded of the poor results on my health due to the meat products and dairy I was allowing myself, and I recommitted to a Vegan Diet.

I am accepting my diet as a lifestyle change I need to make, food being my medicine. I scheduled a physical exam that will include blood tests to find out my levels of cholesterol and any changes in the prostate inflammation. 

My test showed PSA of 5.8 which is above the normal 4. I have now scheduled a urologist appointment to determine the source of the inflammation. One of the reasons for prostate inflammations is bacteria that is difficult to control and this is done mostly with antibiotics; the other source can be cancer of the prostate which can be treated with natural healing or conventional chemotherapy and radiation.

It is not easy to maintain a vegan diet specially at the beginning. I find myself braking it specially under unusual circumstances while traveling or when out at social events that include lunches and dinners, but depending on the diagnosis I am prepared to fully commit to it. I still believe that a vegetable based diet is the best option to prevent and fight cancer.

After a Urology visit and a DRE I was told my prostate is small and all looked normal, and we scheduled an MRI to make sure there is nothing abnormal. I had the MRI and received great news, there were no signs of illness. 

The test listed 'Enlarged with multiple heterogeneous nodules compatible with benign prostatic hyperplasia, overall assessment Pyramid 2, no lymphadenopathy, and low provability of clinical significant prostatic carcinoma', but my doctor asked if I wanted to undergo a biopsy and this time I accepted but decided not to follow up.

One of the most damaging traumas to the body is a diagnosis of a conditions that has no cure by the standards of our medical system. This information affects the mind to the degree that leisures will show in a brain scan affecting specific organs or tissue in the body; we are nature beings and experience the world through basic instincts, fear of death, loss of loved ones, tragic events, loss of personal security, etc. These experiences carried over long periods of time will reflect on a loss of homeostasis of body organs, or body systems, and our health becomes fragile until we resolve the conflicts.


Cancer is a condition of tumor growth, of ulcerating tissue loss. When you face cancer in your mind, you are fighting for your life because there is no known cure in our medical system; doctors do not know what 'cancer' really is, or what causes it. 

It is up to you to do your own research and educate yourself on how to bring the body into a normal estate of homeostasis. 

Chemotherapy or 'chemical interaction' addresses the symptom. Natural cures address the source of the symptoms; restoration to homeostasis might lay on both. A combination of surgery, chemotherapy/radiation and a complete diet change to organic and plant-based food could address both. The problem is that chemotherapy destroys all the natural flora of bacteria the body needs to regain natural balance, and depletes the entire system, interrupting the natural process of recuperation.

A plant-based diet and anti-inflammatory spices that support the creation of antibodies are not permitted during chemotherapy treatments, and in advanced cases the patients rarely survive treatments. Diet is not addressed as part of chemotherapy treatments as a tool to reject the disease. Antibodies are a natural response to a loss of homeostasis in the body systems.

People around you will give you opinions but the best and only avenue to approach recovery is your own common sense and your own education on what is available. 

The stories of recovery people share might give you an indication of what is best to avoid intensifying symptoms, and to possibly restore proper health.

There are no known medical or alternative-natural cures, but there is a lot of research available that will indicate the results you will get. Natural cures address the source of symptoms by promoting a lifestyle where the food we consume are part of the solution. 

Consult with experts and ask for statistics that will better show you the results you can expect, if you see an oncologist ask for concise studies with proven results on treatment, and diet changes that will help you regain health. Your choice is what matters, your devotion to health, taking responsibility for your own health and knowing what to expect by following proper education and common sense.

The present medical consensus is that cancer has a congenital factor. According to doctors, if we inherit a weak cancer-fighting system, under poor nutrition, stress, and a weak constitution, the chances of incurring cancer are greater; doctors working with natural cures maintain that congenital factors contribute a small percentage to the actual development of illness in the body. 

Chemotherapy attempts to destroy 'a cancer condition' by attacking the entire body, depleting it of all natural organisms needed for the body to recuperate naturally. A curative all-vegetable diet are in most cases contraindicated for chemotherapy treatment. 

Oncologists do not address diet as part of the solution to fight cancer and fail to inform patients that eating healthy, organic, non-GMO food could help the body avoid the toxins that might have originated the cancer. Diet, toxins, stress, lack of exercise are considered possible sources of cancer, but there is no substantiated prove of any of these as the cause of cancer.

They do not inform patients that inflammation and acidity in the body are part of the environment where cancer develops, and that this environment is created by animal products, GMOs, and non-organic foods. 

The American Cancer Society suggests a diet that includes dairy, chicken and turkey in all the recipes they list in their website.

Hospitals that treat cancer do not promote a plant based organic diet which shows curative results and promotes an alkaline environment that deters cancer growth. 

In nutrition lectures I have attended the nutritionist made it clear that this was due to unavailable funding; they also stressed that patients undergoing chemo treatment have a need for animal protein to sustain their stamina, even thought meat products promote an acidic environment. 

Alternative Natural cures on the other hand promote a plant based diet as the solution to fight cancer. There are many websites to research if you are interested in a natural avenue to fight the illness. You want to do your own research and follow your common sense.

In the documentary 'What the Health' they show the reaction of cancer cells within an alkaline environment where the cancer might be contained. Their web presentation offers several links to research further your own education on natural healing.

Possible cancer causing toxins come from several industries that include the food industry, the cosmetic industry, the tobacco industry, and the drug industry

Our cancer pandemic calls for a change in lifestyle that focuses on diet, exercise and reduced stress through meditation; incorporating a mind-body solution to illness in general by eating organic, non-toxic food and avoiding animal protein, exercising regularly, and meditating by letting go of fear and anxiety.

Today we face a pandemic where one out of three people are facing one type of cancer, a condition we do not understand. The chemotherapy system we follow has no known cure; in early cases surgery, chemotherapy and radiation provide the possibility of recuperation but remission remains uncertain. In advanced cases cancer centers attempt to help patients live a longer life and recuperation is uncertain.

Natural healing addresses the source of cancer and offers a new lifestyle as the solution for avoiding cancer, and on certain cases reversing the illness. It calls for a change in diet from animal sources to plant based and goes farther to address illness as a three fold problem with a three fold solution; body-mind-spirit. In conjunction with surgery a patient in early stages can become cancer free, and with a plant based diet fight the possibilities of recurrence.


There is also no known natural cure, but there are several alternative treatments that also claim some success. Natural cures that might prevent and help cure cancer are available through several sources, and vary form simple items available at every home today, to intern programs that provide treatment and education about proper nutrition to reverse, and on occasions cure the illness: 

Psychic, brain and body is a theory that makes great sense, where illness originates in the mind, impacts the brain and affects specific body parts. 

A natural healing system known as New German Medicine helps individuals address illness and cancer as imbalances of the entire system, and promotes symptoms as the healing face of all imbalances. This includes all 'illnesses' including cancer. They define 'illness as an imbalance in the body', and concluded through research that there is no illness but symptoms that are in fact curative. These include tumors or ulcerating conditions defined a 'cancer' by the standards of wester medicine.


Excerpt from German New Medicine PDF:
All medical theories, whether conventional or “alternative”, past or current, are based on the concept that diseases are “malfunctions” of the organism. Dr. Hamer’s discoveries show however that nothing in Nature is “diseased” but always biologically meaningful. According to the Five Biological Laws, diseases are not malignancies, as proposed by conventional medicine, but instead are age-old “Biological Special Programs of Nature” that assist an individual during unexpected emotional distress.Firmly anchored in our knowledge of embryology, German New Medicine is a true natural science. This means that the Five Biological Laws are verifiable in any given case at any given time. Since 1981, Dr. Hamer’s findings have been tested more than 30 times by several physicians and professional associations through signed documents (see Verifications). All documents attest to the 100% accuracy of Dr. Hamer’s discoveries.The Five Biological Laws are at the same time in perfect harmony with spiritual laws. Because of this truth, the Spanish call GNM “La Medicina Sagrada”, the Sacred Medicine. (continue to full document)


Scientists in Cuba have developed a vaccine they apply as a cure for cancer. This is available only in Cuba but people travel there from other countries. 

DAMADELION benefits for illness cure including cancer; as fast as a few days


It is known that cancer cells thrive on an acidic environment, and that an alkaline environment is cancer preventative. A combination of baking soda, apple cider and honey or maple syrup have been used to slow and prevent the growth of cancer tumors; you can learn about successful medical treatments that included baking soda to fight cancer: 'The truth about Cancer and Baking Soda'

Vitamin C is non toxic and can be used intravenously to slow down cancer growth, and on certain cases has shown to cure certain cancer types. There is a lot of information available on how to use it beneficially; it can interfere with the use of chemotherapy. You can read some facts at the National Cancer Institute's website, it does not work as a preventative treatment for cancer but it does not hurt the body; as a preventative has short time effectiveness, as a cure of several illnesses it is very effective. 

HYDRAVIE (786-565-8446) in Miami Beach offers Integrative Medical Infusion Vitamin Treatments for wellness, energy, Migraines, flue and jet-lag, weigh-loss, Neurodegenerative Diseases, immune and other conditions that include high Vitamin C treatments for helping control cancer tumor growth. 

I had an intravenous infusion of vitamin C, and B complex at Hydravie; I really wanted to try the high concentration of vitamins the body absorbs when given intravenously. I was told 90% of them are absorbed with taken intravenously.

The procedure was clinical and professional at a doctor's office. The medical practitioner gave me forms to fill, took my pressure and proceeded to put the IV; this was painless and I felt safe knowing she was a professional anesthesiologist. 

I received one bag of fluid mixed with the vitamins; the process took about an hour. I laid on a table, comfortably chatting with the nurse and I left feeling rejuvenated.

later I had the feeling I was full as if I had eaten a satisfying meal, the headache I came in with was gone, and I felt somehow more relaxed.

I am expecting a surge of energy and concentration the next few days and I plan to spend the time completing projects I have been working on.

The night after the procedure I woke up to empty the bladder three times, I felt burning as I passed urine as if I've had spicy food the night before, I also felt heat in the body mostly in my chest. Both the burning sensation and the heat in the body subsided as the day progressed; by the afternoon of the day after, I felt more energy than I usually feel but with no signs of anxiety and I had great focus. I accomplished several tasks I had for the day, I did not experience the usual drop of energy I feel in the mid afternoon, and I was able to concentrate on projects. Overall I would say that this burst of positive energy and concentration comes from the vitamin treatment.

The following five days after the treatment have been filled with unusual energy and no anxiety. This is a new experience I am hoping does not go away. On my fifth day I am energized, working since very early morning, eating well, with great concentration. My mind is not wondering as usual and I am definitely getting things accomplished.

My next infusion will be a test of vitamin B12. One of the things I like about the service at Hydravie is that it is a medical procedure and the information I receive is caring and not pushy or money oriented. I asked about infusions for Alzheimer's for my 92 year old mother and was immediately told about the contraindications associated with an older person, like the possibility of heart failure due to age. I was grateful to hear that and glad I had asked a medical professional.

This is a scientific cure for immune deficiency illness that also shows positive results on the containment and occasional cure of breast and prostate cancer. This scientific project claim curative results through genetic modification through 'frequency' treatments in combination with light treatments.  

Through DNA modification they claim to create new curative defenses in the body, isolate cancer tumors and rid the body of illness.

FIGHT CANCER WITH THE HEALING POWER OF DIET AND SUPPLEMENTS, by Doctor Mark Stengler explains the benefits of certain Vitamins and supplements to offset nutritional deficiencies related to cancer, and the daily amounts he recommends that can make a difference in the road to recuperation or to prevent the onset of illness. He also recommends to use a variety of supplements to increase the possibilities of recuperation.


My wife was diagnosed with stage-four Colon Cancer on September 2013. She opted to get conventional Chemotherapy but was declared terminal after three rounds of treatment in Miami, the tumors that had shrank slightly after the first treatment had stopped showing any improvement.
We moved to New York City to obtain farther treatment possibilities at Sloan Kettering Cancer Center; after an initial interview her new oncology doctor told her she was eligible for surgery and chemotherapy and assured her of a full recovery. 'You will recover fully' was a statement she would repeat at every visit. With this renewed hope, my wife underwent chemo treatments for the next six months, but her health deteriorated steadily until the middle of June 2014. She battled nausea, constipation, pain, loss of appetite, depression, and heavy doses of antibiotics to treat other conditions she experienced as a result of her fragile immune system.

They had implanted a 'port' on her chest that facilitated medication of intravenous medications and the chemo cocktails she received; around late May a second port was implanted in her abdomen to provide chemo directly to the liver and after two treatments her liver died and distended, blocking fluids from circulating and she developed Edema 
in her lower body. 

In the third week of June the doctor told her there was nothing else they could do for her and that it was best if she changed from Chemotherapy to Alternative Medicine cures and was referred to an Acupuncture doctor in their practice. It was too late and my wife died two weeks later on July 9. We were also told by one of the doctors that came to wish us well that 'at the cancer center they do not cure people but help them extend their lives'

During my wife's chemotherapy treatment she was not allowed to incorporate any natural alternatives except Acupunture and Energy medicine, she was treated with Bodytalk, a therapy based on the quantum theory of 'mind over matter'. This therapy is a balancing treatment that helps the body-mind to adapt to the treatments being used, it does not claim to be a cure for any illness.

She was advice not to use any anti-inflammatory supplements or vegetables and instead she was encouraged to eat meat, chicken and fish in her diet, as well as regular food. There was never a suggestion for her to use organic food, or to be aware of toxins in the food she ate, and non of these quality foods were available at the hospital.


My girlfriend was diagnosed with breast cancer on November 2017.

She underwent one round of chemo and experienced several of the side effects, loss of appetite, disruption of her tastebuds, nausea, and diarrhea. Her health deteriorated from the very start and experienced minot hair loss; it had been expected that she would loose most of it, but the first alternative therapy she used was a Chemo Cold Cap that is first frozen and then used during the chemo treatments. She never lost her hair but had to be very gentle brushing, hair washing was allowed a few days after chemo.

She decided to seek alternative treatments after that. 
She was introduced to the Aquera Frequency and Ultraviolet light therapy, shortly after she started recuperating from her chemo treatment. She started the process in Miami three months ago and the results over this period of time were positive because her tumor stopped growing; the regiment of treatment was rigorous and she spent about six to eight hours sitting or laying down listening to the frequency recordings she received every few days, and simultaneously applying the ultraviolet light with special electronic units. 

She used as well CBD Hemp oil daily as was suggested to her by the Aquera scientists. She also did a two-week baking soda modified treatment that did not include honey or maple syrup to avoid sugars. She did this along the Aquera Protocol and kept track of the alkalinity factor in her body daily. 

In addition she started the APeX water treatment with only 1oz per day. The Apex bottle suggests 1 or 2oz per day. I was impressed during her last medical exam where she showed one hundred percent oxygenation, after doing the APeX treatment for about one month.  

She also changed her diet progressively towards a Vegan regiment, which does not include any animal products; so she is staying away from inflammatory and acidic foods, after getting informed about the consequence of eating meat and dairy. She watched with intensity the documentary 'What the Health' and decided to make a drastic change in her diet.

On February 26, 2018 she underwent a lumpectomy; they found out the tumor had decreased in size one centimeter, and after a biopsy of one lymph node no illness had spread to other parts of the body. 

It is safe to say that today she is cancer free; but the doctors are requesting she takes radiation and chemotherapy to narrow the possibilities of recurrence. She is doing radiation. Fighting cancer is a lonely journey and the decisions are very personal. Alternative Medicine is a lifestyle we are just learning to use. She continues to follow the Aquera therapy and the APeX protocol with a full 2oz. doze. She continues improving on her plant-based diet.

After six weeks of radiation she is cancer free today; there are several side effects that are affecting her emotionally. The good news from Aquera is that she is cancer free and her physical side effects will go away with follow up treatments she presently continues. 

She is also continuing Apex Oxygenated water daily treatment and she uses Hydrogenated water at home, as well as vitamins. Her commitment to these treatments have brought her to be cancer free today.


The Gerson therapy has been treating patients for several immune system disorders, cancer, diabetes and other illnesses since the 1930s. Their treatment includes daily 'juicing' of green vegetables, and detoxification through the use of coffee enemas, they provide training and education in their center in California.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The content published by this website is intended for educational purposes only, it should not be construed as dispensing medical advice or making claims regarding the cure of diseases. You should always consult with a medical professional

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JAIME IZQUIERDO, Body-Mind-Spirit Personal Coach








"Helping our clients reclaim their organic identity, and initiate a dialogue with our organic universe"
'A journey from medication to meditation'.


Jaime Izquierdo
Non-Sectarian Minister
"Most Outstanding Graduate Hollywood Institute Massage Program"
305 788 3093


AHMA, American Holistic Medical Association
International Bodytalk Association
South Florida Bodytalk Association


Jaime studied painting under renowned American artists Sidney Goodman, Jody Pinto, Arthur DaCosta and Nelson Shanks among others, and graduated from the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts in Philadelphia. He is an award-winning artist, and photographer. In the 1970's Jaime studied Pre-Medicine at Temple University, Theater at HB Studios in NYC; joined an acting company in Philadelphia and participated in professional productions with actors like Theodore Bickell. He studied Modern Dance with Martha Graham and in 1980 switch to Painting and the Fine Arts. Jaime participated in Art Basel Miami 2015 in several peripheral shows. His work has been part of several exhibits in the US, The Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts Museum and Gallery and New York and Miami Art Galleries. His first One-Man show was in New York in 1985. His work is in many private and corporate collections around the world. As part of his lifestyle today, he teaches Meditation and Holistic Healing workshops in Miami and New York. He is the author of 'Organic Meditation Practice" available in Amazon Kindle Store.


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The content published by this website is intended for educational purposes only, it should not be construed as dispensing medical advice or making claims regarding the cure of diseases. You should always consult with a medical professional


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1005 Shore Lane, Miami Beach FL
Body-Mind-Spirit Coach/Bodytalk/Meditation/Swe-Thai Massage/Reiki

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Chelsea 26 Street Massage Studio